Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 6

This is my niece Hannah. She's super cute. I took this today, it wasn't a very good shoot. Exhaustion hit and she had bad gas pains. Somehow when I want to do good, I don't.

One strobe light, camera right.

What I would have changed: blanket is pretty long, I would have tried to hide it a bit better. I may go back over it and crop some...let's call it a rough draft

Since this entry sucks, here are some tips for getting kids to look towards the camera/smile.
1.) This toy, which can be bought at Target for less than 10 bucks, has been the main thing I use when trying to get kids attention while interning. It bends, it makes weird noises (like giggles I think), rattles, and part of it lights up. I stand behind the photographer and shake it a lot.

2.) Apparently at a lot of photography expos they sell these: This isn't the one I bought, but it's similar. The fan lights up and does different colors and changes patterns and stuff. Kids can't help but stare at it, and it's safe enough that they themselves can play with it without getting hurt (somehow). I got mine at Spencer gifts for about 8-9 bucks.

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