Friday, March 26, 2010


So I have 2 minutes to get this entry done for it to be actually on day five.
But...I was super busy today and didn't have time to go try out a technique. So here's one I did try earlier in the week and failed at. I was trying to do this tricky perspective thing, where one object was closer to the camera and the other was farther away but I make it look like they are right in front of each other and one is huge and the other tiny. I don't know. Once again it's late and I don't want to explain anything. But I tried it. I didn't have any people handy so I pulled out my trusty action figures: Goku, a Masters of the Universe dude, a dinosaur, and Jane Eyre. that's right. I was going to do Goku vs. dinosaur and Jane Eyre vs. MOTU, but I couldn't get it to work, things were out of focus and I wasn't really into it (this is when I gave up and started shooting pictures of myself for that collage on day 3)
so in a fit of anger I deleted all my attempts at trick perspective and just took a regular old picture of my subjects. so that's all you get to stare at.
(and J.E. is actually holding a quill. her weapon of choice)

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