Thursday, June 17, 2010


So some pretty cool things lately!
1.) As seen in the entry 2 before this, I got new props! They're super cool and I lovvve them!
2.) Still no business name, but I raised my prices! You probably don't want to hear that, but a lot of people kept telling me to and I figured it was time. I didn't want to charge a lot until I was more comfortable with my lighting and my camera and gained a bit more self confidence!
3.) Gonna purchase some new things...
a.) I'm looking to get a new camera (the Nikon D700). This camera will do wonders! It captures a better range of colors and tones, has AMAZING low light capability, higher megapixels, and is a full frame camera!
b.) Still need a few more things for my studio! First, a wireless trigger so that I don't have to keep my camera plugged into my lights with a huge long cord, second a remote so that I can be away from my camera and still take photos. Third, I need an actual reflector. Alas, insulation hasn't been doing that swell of a job : (
4.) Once I find a name, I'll be throwing money forward to getting a professional logo and website design. Then business cards and maybe a business license thing. YEAH!
I'm on my wayyyyyy.
5.) When people buy CDs from me, now they're going to get them in super sweet custom CD cases! I'm excited about that.

Here's my price list, and I decided to make a quick products page!

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