Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Things are going pretty good for me right now. I have a permanent job that's some months part-time, some full-time and I like it. Everyone gets along with everyone and we love to eat and hang out so I got pretty lucky there.
I feel a little stuck with a photography name. And I don't feel like I can really move ahead like I want to without one. I have 4 rules when it comes to finding a name, but I won't go into that now. I have however been paying attention to things around me, things I read/sing, trying to find the one that clicks. It may be an insecurity thing or just a wish to be semi-anonymous, but I rather not have my name be my business! Okay, I just gave a rule away, I won't say more---
But things have been going good---I'm saving to get a new camera, I have a few shoots coming up within the next few weeks that I'm excited about. I raised my prices too, as you may have read in my last entry. It may annoy some people that I did, but this is what I went to school for--for 4 years, this is my career and future business. Outside of school expenses I've laid down at least $5,000 if not more on lighting, backgrounds, camera equipment, and props. Earning $40 a shoot is not going to put a dent in anything! Especially when one shoot takes me about 11 hours of editing and around hour 4 I wonder where's the incentive?

SOOOOO---to the really exciting part of this entry----Sometime in late April/early May I got an email from a guy saying he wanted to use one of my photos for the cover of this magazine. Well, that was super cool!! I had done a photo shoot--mostly for fun, of people making the L sign with their fingers, and then I added F-I-N-T in photoshop so that they spelled FLINT. I got this idea from the tv show Glee! They did it in some of their promotional photos, so I got two groups of friends to come at different times and I took their photos! (Follow photos on left side of page to my Flickr site to see more) Anyway, when I uploaded these photos, I tagged/added them to some of the groups I had joined on Flickr, one of which was the Broadside magazine. They saw the photo, discussed it, then emailed me for permission to use it on their next cover! It came out today and I went with my friend Mitch and picked up two bundles of the issue : )
Here's some photos!!

the original photo:

Okay, that's it for now!! Hope some of this made sense, I'm pretty much half asleep right now anyways!

((P.S.---Broadside is a local alternative magazine that's mostly circulated thru the colleges and small businesses around downtown Flint!))

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